Stable Grill
For a more casual ambiance and menu, the Stable Grill is the place. Honoring the local towns and farming communities of our area with every Traditional American dish on our menu, we do our own baking and cooking from scratch. To maintain freshness we prepare limited quantities and sometimes can't anticipate the popularity of an item. Enjoy your meal.​
The entry way and main bar room were added on to the original 1855 stone stable in 1989. Virtually all of the building materials were salvaged from other 19th century barns. Notice the hand-hewn beams, sanded and sealed but not stained. Behind is a full service kitchen built in 1989.
The stone walls of the original stable are twenty inches thick. The structural hand-hewn beams on the first floor are original and of various woods including walnut. The lights are handcrafted reproductions of early 19th Century Yankee fixtures. The stairs are newly built using salvaged wood and traditional carpentry (notching in the steps). The railings have been sanded and sealed but not stained. All of the antique hand-hewn beams on the second floor are new to the building. The hanging lantern is the work of a Wisconsin blacksmith. The tables, some of which are constructed out of old wagon wheels, are the work of two Wisconsin woodworkers. The large U.S. flag is a reproduction of an 1855 flag. Saddle blankets hang on the upstairs walls. Above each stairway and elsewhere hang sheet music, ca. 1915 - 1930.
The coatroom, bathrooms and entrance to the tunnel stairway were built in 1980. The wood on the walls, in the bathrooms, and facing the bar is predominantly aged worm-eaten elm. Notice the photograph of the barn stall on the left side of entrance to the stable proper; as late as May of 1979 there were horses quartered in the building.